Flux Residue – Part 4
Approach to non-corrosive fluxes for further reduced residue solubility and improved magnesium tolerance
Technical Information by Ulrich Seseke-Koyro, Hans-Walter Swidersky, Leszek Orman, Andreas Becker, Alfred Ottmann
We split the article in four parts:
- Abstract and Basic Experimental Laboratory Procedures
- Reduced Flux Residue Solubility
- Improved Magnesium Tolerance
- Summary and Outlook
Our research activities so far have been focusing on flux blends with additives to validate lower water solubility of post braze flux residue. Another objective of this work was to allow for brazing of Al alloys with increased Mg levels using non corrosive fluxes.
First steps have been made with selected flux blends. This paper reflects the current project status, but more work still needs to be done for further improvement.
Low flux residue solubility
It has been shown that the flux residue water solubility is reduced by combining KAlF4 with AEFs (“KAlF4 compound concept”); among them BaF2 being the most promising candidate.
Fluxes for higher Mg tolerance
Flux blends containing KAlF4 plus CsAlF4 and Li3AlF6 seem to be a promising approach to improve brazing of higher Mg containing aluminium alloys.
Aluminium coupons samples (AMAG 6951 with 0.68% Mg) for the base coupon and the angle (1.36% Mg in the joint interface) require flux loads as high as 15g/m2 for successful brazing.
Good joint formation can be achieved at 5g/m2 load on samples with 0.68% Mg content. Thus brazing of higher Mg level Al-alloys with appropriate flux mixtures at process-typical loads seems to be feasible.
For the continuation of this project, we need to define the Mg range for real industrial aluminium heat exchanger needs. We think that this can best be done in a joint effort of HX manufacturer, Al material supplier and flux producer.
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- Handbook of Chemistry and Physics; Ref. BaSO4: 0.0025 g/l
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