Flux Characteristics and Transfer Systems in Electrostatic Application – Part 7
Powder Fluidity Indicator
Definition of the Variables and Calculation of the Results
Preliminary remark:
The spraying factor Rm is a relative value for the evaluation of powders used for dry fluxing – especially when the material transport in the used equipment depends on the fluidization property of the powder.
Expansion factor:
Expansion factor [cm/cm] = Hfluid [cm] / H0 [cm]
For the calculation of the expansion factor, the mean values for Hfluid and H0 are used. The data for the mean values results from measurements of the powder height at 5 points.
Hfluid: powder height in fluidized condition
H0: powder height not fluidized and vibrator shut down
Hfluid = (Hfluid1+ Hfluid2+ Hfluid3+ Hfluid4+ Hfluid5) / 5
H0 = (H01 + H02 + H03+ H04+ H05) / 5
Powder flow (m) [g/ 0,5 min]
The mass (weight) of powder flowing out through the calibrated hole in 0.5 minutes calculated as median from 10 measurements.
Calculation of the median:
Median = m9+m2 / 2 for 10 single measures of m and m5< m3< m1< m7< m9< m2< m4< m8< m10< m6
Spray factor (Rm)
Rm [g/ 0.5 min] = m [g/0.5min]* expansion factor
The Spray factor results from the median of powder flow multiplied with the calculated expansion factor.
End of the article.
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